One-Time Specialty Offers from China

April 8, 2024

China is a relative newcomer to the Specialty Coffee scene. Although some coffee has been produced in China since the late 1800’s (having been brought there by French missionaries), production at scale did not begin until the 1980’s. In a relatively short period of time — with the help of investment from the Chinese government, the United Nations and a large coffee-roasting company — the country has made great strides. In 2016, China was counted among the top 20 global producers.

What’s more, internal consumption in China is growing rapidly. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates 2023/24 consumption at 5 million bags, making it the seventh-largest consuming country worldwide. Specialty Coffee culture is also booming, creating an added driver toward increasing quality.

Coffee production takes place in western Yunnan province as well as in Pu’er, Baoshan, Dehong and Menglian. Most of the coffee produced in China is washed, however natural and honey processes can also be found.

One-Time Offers

We currently have very limited amounts of several specialty coffees from China’s Yunnan province. Please click through to the bios for more details — and ask your trader for samples!

China Donka Washed: Citrus, raisin, black tea

China Guiben Washed: Almond, rose hip, lychee

China Guiben Honey: Palm sugar, plum, cinnamon

China Guiben Natural: Cherry, grapefruit, pineapple

China Kaku Washed: Cranberry, black tea, butterscotch •