Mexico Tierra de Reinas Natural

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Mexico Tierra de Reinas Natural is produced by Graciela Cuevas Panzzi, a trailblazer in the current generation of coffee production. Graciela, a Doctor of General Medicine, purchased her land only three years ago from a woman eager to sell it during the pandemic. She began learning about coffee farming and quickly found it meaningful and fulfilling. In fact, her first harvest in 2022-2023 she produced natural, washed, and honey processed coffees. Coffee from this inaugural harvest was entered in the 2023 Cup of Excellence Mexico, and advanced past the initial round with outstanding scores.

Most of Graciela’s land is harvested and maintained year-round by women. Through their hard work and dedication, the quality of the coffee harvest has seen significant improvement, achieved through selective harvesting and training to enhance productivity and safety in the fields. In fact, Graciela named her farm “Land of the Queens” in honor of all the women who contribute to her coffee.

Mexico Tierra de Reinas Natural grows grown under the shade of native trees in High Mountains region Xonotzintla, Veracruz. At 1433 meters above sea level, this area (roughly 51 km from the Citlaltepetl volcano) is home to incredible biodiversity, which thrives alongside coffee. The coffee is picked selectively and dry-processed, resulting in complex fruity flavors, silky body and caramel sweetness.

Xonotzintla, Veracruz
Growing Altitude
1433 masl
Arabica Variety
Caturra, Typica
Harvest Period
January - March
Milling Process
Natural, Sun Dried