Honduras José Federico Salvador

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In 2017 José Federico Salvador planted his first plot of land. Using his savings from working as a driver, he invested in a hectare of coffee plants. He began purchasing cherry as well, and the combined production allowed him to expand his plantation to four hectares. José Federico Salvador has been working with Becamo since 2018, and in 2022 he teamed up with the technicians from the Unit for Sustainable Services to Producers (USSP) to experiment with different processing methods. Learning about specialty processing methods revealed wide potential for José’s coffee that he says, “not only enhances its quality but also allows me to qualify for better prices, which has significantly benefited my family by providing an additional income stream.”

About Becamo

Honduras José Federico Salvador is brought to us by Neumann Kaffee Gruppe exporter Beneficio de Café Montecristo SA (Becamo S.A.) Founded in 1983 by Emilio R. Medina, Becamo became a member of Neumann Kaffee Gruppe in 1989, remaining one of the leading coffee exporters in Honduras. With operations across the country (including Copán, Lempira, Intibucá, Ocotepeque, Santa Bárbara, Paraiso, and Olancho in the West; Comayagua, La Paz, Yoro, Francisco Morazán in the Center; and Olancho and El Paraíso in the East.)

Becamo has built strong cooperative relationships with producers. They provided critical assistance in the wake of the 2015 rust epidemic through Recuperando mi Cafetal (RCM) and more recently, with the implementation of NKG Bloom. NKG Bloom, and previously RCM, provides access to critical resources enabling producers to run their farms as successful businesses. Learn more here.

Las Moras, San Andrés, Lempira
Growing Altitude
1485 masl
Arabica Variety
Yellow Catuai, Parainema, IHCAFE 90
Harvest Period
January - May
Milling Process