Costa Rica Sonora Obata Natural

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Costa Rica Sonora Obata Natural comes to us from Hacienda Sonora Estate. Hacienda Sonora has been a leader in both innovative processing methods and plant varietals, currently with over 20 varietals in production, “Red Obata” being one of them. This highly productive and rust-resistant varietal is a cross between Timor Hybrid 832/2 and Villa Sarchi CIFC 971/10. It is a pedigree selection made by the Instituto Agronomico (IAC) of Sao Paulo State in Campinas, Brazil, brought to Costa Rica for commercial release in 2014 by the Costa Rican Coffee Institute (ICAFE).

Costa Rica Sonora Obata Natural is picked and processed separately from other lots on Hacienda Sonora. The cherry is hand-picked and floated to separate defects. Then it dries on patios for nine days. Subsequently, the cherry rests for three days at the warehouse in a 14% humidity environment. Next, the cherry is mechanically dried at temperatures that never exceed 35 degrees Celsius for increased uniformity. After reaching a humidity of 10.5% the coffee rests for two months. Lastly, immediately before import, the coffee is hulled and undergoes weight, screen, density and color sorting.

Hacienda Sonora

Hacienda Sonora Estate has been in Alberto Rivera’s family for more than a Century. Alberto took over the farm in the 1970’s and planted coffee on the majority of the land. Shortly after, coffee became the family’s main source of income. In 1999, with historical low coffee prices, Alberto invested in a Mill to maximize his quality, and he became a pioneer in alternative processing techniques such as Honey and Naturals. Additionally, his experiments with different coffee varietals added another layer of diversity, with a wide range of cup complexities. In 2011, Alberto’s son Diego joined the operation as co-manager. Currently, Hacienda Sonora has more than 20 different varietals of plants across 80 hectares of coffee, with an additional 20+ hectares of forest reserve. Hacienda Sonora is known for its impeccable quality, variety of offerings and as a welcoming place for coffee lovers.


Other offerings from Hacienda Sonora: 

Costa Rica Sonora Honey Natural

Costa Rica Sonora Red Catuai Natural

Central Valley
Growing Altitude
1300 masl
Arabica Variety
Red Obata
Harvest Period
November - January 
Milling Process