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So far corpcommAdmin has created 177 blog entries.

Brazil Daterra Monte Cristo Rainforest Alliance

Brazil Daterra Monte Cristo Rainforest Alliance is a high-quality representative of the famous Cerrado region of Brazil. Cerrado coffee has gained notoriety due to the region’s high altitude and steady climate. Hot days and cool nights are ideal for developing and retaining high sugar content in coffee cherry. This, combined with the  read more

Brazil Daterra Monte Cristo Rainforest Alliance2021-09-09T15:16:01+02:00

Peru Juan Santos Atahualpa Organic, Fairtrade Organic

Peru Juan Santos Atahualpa Fairtrade Organic is grown in the Pichanaqui, Chanchamayo, and Junin regions. Adjacent to the forest and at the foot of the highlands, coffee here grows between 900-1800 masl in sheltered microclimates. The coffee is hand and machine pulped using a mechanical pulper. Use of this machine  read more

Peru Juan Santos Atahualpa Organic, Fairtrade Organic2021-09-07T16:11:51+02:00

Mexico Washed Robusta Agata

Mexico Washed Robusta Agata is grown in the Soconusco area of Chiapas by Don Antonio Luttmann and his family on their farms Genova, Alianza and Independencia. This third-generation coffee family has an outstanding reputation and our sister company Exportadora de Café California is the exclusive exporter of their coffees. Robusta is produced  read more

Mexico Washed Robusta Agata2021-08-10T15:43:25+02:00

Guatemala El Santo

Guatemala El Santo comes from smallholder producers in the El Cerrito and Los Verdes regions of Fraijanes. The region takes its name from the “Juanes Friars” who brought coffee to the area over 200 years ago. Traditional varietals of Bourbon, Typica, Catuai and the Guatemalan native Pache Comun are still  read more

Guatemala El Santo2021-08-10T12:03:09+02:00

Honduras COPROCAEL Organic

Honduras COPROCAEL Organic comes to us from the Cooperativa de Productores de Café La Encarnacion Limitada in the Copan region of Honduras. Honduras' temperate and tropical climates create famously sweet and robust coffees. Further, the cool weather in Copan encourages a delicate acidity in the cherries that's evident in COPROCAEL  read more

Honduras COPROCAEL Organic2024-08-06T14:57:41+02:00

Nicaragua Sacaclí Fairtrade Organic

In Nicaragua, Cooperativa de Servicios Múltiples Sacaclí is a multi-service cooperative of small-scale vegetable and coffee farmers. Established in 1994, it now has more than 500 members in rural Jinotega. The cooperative offers services including production, technical assistance, coffee nursery management, financial services and commercialization. It also offers social programs such as scholarships for the children of producers and support  read more

Nicaragua Sacaclí Fairtrade Organic2021-07-14T11:42:58+02:00

Nicaragua Cooperative 20th of April Fairtrade Organic

In Nicaragua, the Cooperative of Multiple Services of April 20 R.L. was founded on April 20, 1994 by 51 coffee growers in Quilalí, Nueva Segovia, with the support of the Ministry of Social Action (MSA). With a mission to offer financial services to improve the lives of cooperative members and  read more

Nicaragua Cooperative 20th of April Fairtrade Organic2021-07-07T10:50:42+02:00

Mexico NKG BLOOM El Buho

Mexico NKG Bloom El Buho is grown in Los Altos, the northeast highlands of Chiapas. Los Altos is a two-hour drive from the capital city of San Cristobal de las Casas, which is celebrated for its culture, cuisine and magical ambiance. The land here is spotted by preserved primary forests,  read more

Mexico NKG BLOOM El Buho2024-06-27T12:28:10+02:00

Guatemala ASPROGUATE Fairtrade Organic

In 2014, an organized group of 100 Organic producers in Coban, Acatenango & Chimaltenango aligned to create ASPROGUATE (Asociación sostentible de productores de Guatemala). Nearby producers later joined the association, and in 2016 they opened central offices in San Martin, Jilotepeque. With a mission to manage social development among small  read more

Guatemala ASPROGUATE Fairtrade Organic2021-06-15T17:23:23+02:00

Malawi Pamwamba AAA Plus Rainforest Alliance

Malawi Pamwamba comes from the Mpanga and Ngapani estates. They were established in 1988, after lands were transferred from a government company back into private hands. Both are Rainforest Alliance certified. In Southern Malawi, the estates sit at the border of Malawi and Mozambique, near the foothills of the 1,730-meter  read more

Malawi Pamwamba AAA Plus Rainforest Alliance2021-04-13T12:47:42+02:00
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