Brazil Dutra Natural 14/16 Organic

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Fazendas Dutra is a family run and owned coffee farm that has been dedicated to growing sustainable coffee since 1950. Beginning with just one hectare José Dutra Sobrinho expanded and developed the farm for more than 40 years.

In September 1999 , Jose passed away and left the farm to his sons Walter Cesar Dutra and Ednilson Alves Dutra, who take very seriously their responsibility to their family and their father’s legacy. They have invested in their coffee education, including attending Illy’s Coffee University, and equipped with new knowledge they have participated in competitions, won more than 80 prizes and continue to improve the quality of their coffee.

Fazendas Dutra

Fazendas Dutra is located in in São João do Manhuaçu, 300 kilometers inland from the east cost of Brazil. In contrast to many farms in Brazil, Fazendas Dutra lies on mountainous terrain which has meant deviating from mechanized practices. The coffee trees are interwoven with avocado trees, and the remaining acreage is both preserved native forest and cultivated eucalyptus, which is used during the harvest period and in drying machines.

Today the property consists of more than 1,300 hectares, with 800 hectares dedicated to specialty coffee. They cultivate their coffee using organic practices and hold many industry-recognized certifications ensuring their practices go above and beyond minimum standards.

The farm has 50 full-time employees, employs an additional 250 workers in the off season and provides 600 jobs during the harvest period. The full-time team includes Leonardo Rodrigues, a Q Grader in charge of the farm’s Quality program.

Recognized Sustainability Pioneers

Fazendas Dutra prides itself on its Organic practices. In fact, the farm won second place in the 2024 Fazenda Sustantável Awards, out of nearly 100 competing farms. This award celebrates farms that demonstrate exceptional environmental responsibility, social impact, and economic viability.

We are thrilled Fazendas Dutra has been recognized as a leader in its sector, working toward a more sustainable future for the environment, producer and the industry.

Cupping notes: Chocolate, caramel, citric acidity, smooth body.

Matas de Minas
Growing Altitude
650–1,400 masl
Arabica Variety
Red and yellow Catuai, Mundo Novo, Bourbon, Catucai, yellow Pacamara, Icatu, Geisha, Catiguá MG3, Aramosa, Kent
Milling Process
Chocolate, caramel