El Salvador Dumont SHG

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El Salvador Dumont comes to us from a 100-year specialty coffee family. Rodrigo Dumont is a fifth-generation farmer, who acquired the farm from the previous owners, the Chantuc family. Generations of experience in the industry have created a coffee worth remembering. That means achieving quality time and again, which can only be achieved through a passion for coffee.

El Salvador Dumont is a blend of coffees grown around the Ilamatepec Volcano, curated together with exporter partner El Borbollon. Ripe cherry is selectively picked by trained hands at the peak of maturity. It is then separated by farm and/or quality at the mill. Subsequently, the cherry is pulped, naturally fermented, and washed. Finally, the parchment is dried on a combination of clay patios and raised beds, where moisture levels are carefully controlled.

Sustainable Practices

Equally as important as production choices is the development of sustainable practices, which preserve the environment from which the coffee originates. El Salvador Dumont is grown using these practices, with minimum-to-no chemical fertilizer use, instead following an annual fertilization plan based on soil and plant analysis, using organic and compost fertilizers as much as possible. Additionally, much of the coffee is planted under the shade canopy of broad-leafed Inga Pepeto trees, among other shade trees.

The farms that contribute to El Salvador Dumont have a school, health clinic, and a sports facility that are available to the workers and their families. Additionally, these farms provide daily meals and housing and strive to offer permanent job security. Currently they employ ten full-time staff members with a pension, 45 permanent workers and over 100 seasonal workers.

Santa Ana
Growing Altitude
1,200–1,500 masl
Arabica Variety
Bourbon, Pacamara
Harvest Period
January - March
Milling Process
Washed, dried on raised beds and patios