Ethiopia Natural Sidamo G2 drying on raised bed

Ethiopia Sidamo Natural G2

Ethiopia Sidamo Natural G2 is grown in the Oromia region of western Guji. This region produces a wide variety of flavor profiles, which makes sense, given Sidamo is the largest coffee growing region in Ethiopia. (The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) – the government-run body that manages smallholder coffee transactions, grading and trading the coffee – awards the Sidamo name to a rather broad area of the country.) In addition to the delicate florals and tea like body Ethiopian coffee is known for, Oromia is noted in particular for fruit forward notes and winey acidity.

As is the case for much of the coffee grown in Ethiopia, Ethiopia Natural Sidamo Gr2 is comprised of multiple heirloom varietals grown in smallholder plots. It is processed at Adola washing station, where it is dried for 12-21 days during which moisture levels are diligently monitored.

Cupping notes: Prune, blackberry, lime, floral, herbal.

Growing Altitude
1750-2050 masl
Arabica Variety
Harvest Period
October - December
Milling Process
Natural process