Ethiopia Sidamo Washed G2

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Sidamo is the largest coffee growing region in Ethiopia, as the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) awards this name to a rather broad area of the country. (The ECX is the government-run body that manages smallholder coffee transactions, grading coffee – Identifying it by type, region and quality – and trading it.) Ethiopia Sidamo Washed G2 is grown in Hula Gatama region of Sidama.

Ethiopia Sidamo Washed G2 matures slowly at elevations of 2200 meters above sea level. This coffee is comprised of the 74110 varietal, a selected descendent of a native Heirloom “mother tree” from the Oromia region. It was catalogued by the Jimma Agricultural Research Institute in the 1970s and is prized for its disease resistance, high yield and cup quality.

Ethiopia Sidamo Washed G2 cherry is harvested between October and January, is fully washed and sundried on raised beds.

Cupping notes: Lemongrass, black tea, honeydew melon.

Hula Gatama, Sidama
Growing Altitude
2200 masl
Arabica Variety
Harvest Period
October - January
Milling Process
Washed, sun dried