Mexico Finca La Esperanza L2 Anaerobic Washed

Mexico Finca La Esperanza L2 Anaerobic Washed is grown on a family farm in Zentla, Veracruz, near Huatusco. Finca La Esperanza was founded in 1946 by the newlywed couple Don Antonio Rincón and Doña Luisa García, who initially cultivated coffee and sugar cane, the traditional crops of the region. In 1970, the Rincon brothers acquired the site that currently serves as the main hub of operations and as their processing center. This acquisition expanded their coffee production to 300 hectares. However, in 1985 the brothers later divided this land opting for separate operation facilities. At this time, they evaluated their methods and resources, making calculated changes to the way they processed coffee. Part of this process involved conducting trials and experiments with other producers from Mexico as well as other coffee-producing countries with deeper knowledge of extended fermentation methods.

In 2018, third-generation steward of Finca la Esperanza Emmanuel Rincón Vázquez met Andreas Kussmaul from NKG sister company Exportadora de Café California (ECC). In keeping with ECC’s dedication to resourcing producers and elevating the quality of Mexican Specialty Coffee, they provided guidance and support to the continued renovations at Finca la Esperanza. Together, they implemented environmental conservation methodologies, leveraging resources sustainably to avoid soil degradation and environmental pollution.

By 2019, Emmanuel had begun experimenting with coffee processing with an eye for national competitions. The result is Mexico Finca La Esperanza L2 Anaerobic Washed, which presents a cup with outstanding clarity, complexity, cleanliness and balance.

The Coffee

Mexico Finca La Esperanza L2 Anaerobic Washed is picked at peak ripeness. It undergoes 96 hours of dry cherry fermentation in an oxygen-free environment. Next, the cherry is floated in spring water to sort out defects. It is then pulped and rested in fermentation tanks for an additional 24 hours. The coffee is washed and floated again and then dried meticulously; the first 24 hours it is sun dried on patios and the following 56 hours it is dried in a mechanical drier at 45 degrees Celsius.

This exacting process produces a cup with winey yet clear acidity, syrupy body and a clean finish, which won the 2023 Yara Championship and was pre-selected for the 2023 Cup of Excellence Mexico.

Huatusco, Veracruz
Growing Altitude
1300 masl
Arabica Variety
Milling Process
Anaerobic fermentation, patio and machine dried