Mexico Topacio SHG EP

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Topacio SHP EP is grown by small producers in the regions of Jaltenango and Villacorzo Chiapas, Mexico. These small producers hand-pulp their coffee and ferment it in little tanks before sun-drying the beans. Harvest occurs between January and April. Parchment coffee is stored in the warehouse of Exportadora de Cafe California (InterAmerican’s sister company in Mexico) and then prepared for exporting between February and July.

Coffee production in this area is dominated by small producers with an average farm size of 1.5 hectares of Bourbon and Arabic Typica trees. There are several microclimates, with heavy humidity, that contribute to coffees with a bright acidity and nice body.

The growing altitudes between 1,100 and 1,500 meters above sea level are rich in volcanic soil and receive a good combination of sunlight, ideal temperatures and precipitation that provide the essential components for growing Strictly High Grown coffee. Many believe this area is where Mexico’s best coffees can be found.

Cupping notes: Bright acidity with citrus, chocolate and caramel notes.

Jaltenango, Villacorzo Chiapas
Growing Altitude
1,100–1,500 masl
Arabica Variety
Bourbon, Tipica, Caturra, Catuai
Harvest Period
Milling Process
Washed, sun-dried
Chocolate, caramel, Citrus