Visiting the Coffee Kids Colombia Project

“The most striking thing, right away, was that these young producers aren’t scared to try new things. They’re so open to ideas,” says Kayd Whalen, InterAmerican senior vice president, describing a trip just days before to Risaralda, Colombia, to visit the newest Coffee Kids project. In 2015, Coffee Kids became  read more

Visiting the Coffee Kids Colombia Project2023-03-06T15:46:17+01:00

Just Landed: Colombia Competition Blend

Following Colombia’s 2017 main harvest, InterAmerican’s John Mason was invited by the National Federation of Coffee Growers in Colombia (FNC) to help judge a competition of the best coffees from the departments of Cauca and Nariño. During a few days in September, more than 600 samples were submitted and diligently  read more

Just Landed: Colombia Competition Blend2018-03-12T14:17:48+01:00
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Hoboken, NJ 07030

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