GrainPro Recycling Effort Saved 11 Tons of Plastic from Landfills

April 22, 2024

Guess who kept 11 tons of plastic out of landfills!

This Earth Day, we’re delighted to share that the collaboration between GrainPro, the Neumann Gruppe USA companies (Atlas Coffee Importers, InterAmerican Coffee and Rothfos Corporation) Continental Terminals and dozens of contributing coffee roasters has collected 40 bales of used GrainPro bags and diverted them from landfills and into a special recycling effort!

At approximately 550 pounds each, that’s 22,000 pounds of plastic that recently made the journey to Revolution, a special plastics recycler in Arkansas that was willing to take on the task.

The bags — which feature a propriety technology that both makes them both highly effective but also not recyclable through traditional means — will be broken down into pellets and transformed into new plastic products.

One incredibly exciting aspect of this announcement is that Revolution accepted and can use all the bales that GrainPro shipped to its facility! By contrast, studies show that currently, only about 5 percent of plastics put into recycling bins in the United States are actually turned into new things.

Additionally, to maximize the environmental outcome, GrainPro generously allowed competing hermetic bags to be included in the collection effort, even while covering the costs of shipping all the bales.

11 Tons and Counting!

Perhaps the best news of all is that this effort is only just getting started.

• If you aren’t yet involved but pick up coffee from Continental Terminals in New Jersey or Alameda, CA, you can simply fill out this form and bring your empty bags with you.

• If you receive deliveries from CTI, you can have the bags collected from your site during delivery — just fill out the same form.

• If you don’t work with those warehouses, you still have the option to mail in the bags. Again, the form!

We’re currently working to expand this program into Europe this year, with help from InterAmerican Coffee Europe and other NKG companies. Additionally, we also hope to establish “hubs” across the United States, to create more options for dropping off bags or bales. (If you’re interested in becoming a hub, please get in touch!)

So, who saved 11 tons of plastic from landfills? We did it together! And for that, we extend our warmest thanks.

Not yet involved? You’re officially invited to join in! We can’t wait to see 11 tons grow into 100 tons! Please help us get there and join us in creating a truly sustainable green coffee industry.