NKG Bloom Midline Assessment: It’s Working!

September 16, 2024

Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG), in cooperation with IDH (The Sustainable Trade Initiative), recently performed a midline assessment of NKG Bloom, to identify and quantify the impact of the initiative on farmer’s livelihoods. The assessment builds on 2021 baseline evaluations in Kenya, Uganda and Honduras.

NKG Bloom is a key facet of NKG’s plan to create a sustainable supply chain and secure the future of coffee. The goal: to help farmers run their farms at full potential, transforming coffee growing into a profitable business and a pathway out of poverty. The method: to identify and address barriers to success through accessible training, affordable inputs and financing options. But is it working?

According to the resulting report, NKG Bloom — which now includes nearly 97,000 producers — is, indeed, having measurable impacts!

“The future of coffee is our business.” — David M. Neumann, Group CEO, Neumann Gruppe GmbH

Specifically, the assessment found:

NKG Bloom contributes to environmental conservation

A positive trend toward the adoption of sustainable farming methods was noted, with more than 93 percent of NKG Bloom farmers in Uganda, Kenya and Honduras applying at least one conservation practice, compared with 73 percent in the 2021 baseline study.

In Uganda, the number of NKG Bloom farmers reporting that they were involved in a community plan to protect forest and catchment areas increased by 27.6 percent.

NKG Bloom encourages the implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) among farmers

NKG Bloom is effectively promoting and facilitating the adoption of GAPs, the assessment found. These include weeding, pruning, mulching, stumping and desuckering. Since 2021, there has been a significant increase in the adoption of GAPS, which has led to improved coffee yields and reduced production costs.

In Uganda specifically, NKG Bloom farmers reported that they were able to reduce their production costs by 35 percent.

NKG Bloom enhances the perception of coffee farming as a viable livelihood

Most farmers participating in NKG Bloom — 98 percent in Uganda and Kenya, and 94 percent in Honduras — now say they view coffee farming as an attractive source of income. Further, low default rates on loans show that farmers tend to achieve a return on their coffee-farming investments or are better able to bridge cash gaps.

“71 percent say that they have improved their ability to cover educational costs — and zero NKG Bloom farmers in Honduras reported facing challenges related to healthcare costs.”

NKG Bloom improves financial stability for farmers.

In Honduras, NKG Bloom farmers reported coffee yield increases of more than 50 percent, which has contributed to higher incomes. Moreover, 71 percent say that they have improved their ability to cover educational costs — and zero NKG Bloom farmers in Honduras reported facing challenges related to healthcare costs.

NKG Bloom helps farmers build resilience against climate events

NKG Bloom farmers demonstrated improved resilience against climate events. In Honduras, NKG Bloom farmers reporter higher overall adoption of GAP, compared with non-Bloom farmers. Three-quarters have adopted pest management methods, and 96 percent have adopted weeding, pruning, stumping and desuckering, which have collectively led to smaller crop losses during extreme weather events.

Mrs. Rachel Nakasita, a Farmer Services Unit manager in Uganda, sets up an NKG Bloom farmer on the initiative’s mobile app.

Keep the Progress Going

We’re heartened by this progress — and understand that all of us on the consuming end are critical links in a truly sustainable supply chain. So, it’s our honor and pleasure to purchase and offer these coffees. Happily, this is easy to do, since they come from strong and growing relationships, are delicious, and still continue to improve. Some of them highlight the work of women producers or other specific groups with unique stories, and all of them are having a genuine impact on the future of coffee and the lives of producers.

We encourage you to enjoy them! Some of our favorites include:

Kenya NKG Bloom Nguvu

Honduras NKG Bloom Gea Organic 

Mexico NKG Bloom Women Power Zongolica

Mexico NKG Bloom Dragon Anaerobic Natural

Uganda NKG Bloom Silverback

Want to learn more about how NKG Bloom works? You can visit our Sustainability page; check out this Q&A conversation; or enjoy this travel post about the 2023 U.S. Coffee Champs winners’ visit to NKG Bloom farms in Mexico. •


Top photo: An NKG Bloom producer from Siguatepeque, Honduras.