Peru La Osa Fairtrade Organic

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Peru La Osa Fairtrade Organic is the product of two women; Francisca Nuñez Manchay and Emerita Peña Nuñez. These cousins are members of the Cooperativa Agraria Frontera San Ignacio in San Ignacio, Cajamarca.

Both Francisca and Emerita’s farms lie close to a National Sanctuary. This protected forest is home to endangered animals such as the spectacled bear, the Gallito de las Rocas bird, and tapir to name a few. Both women promote environmental conservation and do so using Organic practices. Additionally, Emerita produces honey, keeping bees and domestic animals on her farm.

Peru La Osa Fairtrade Organic is comprised of Catimor, Caturra, Mundo Novo and Pache varietals. The cherry is harvested between July and August and floated twice to remove defects. Next, the coffee is machine pulped and anaerobically fermented. Then, the coffee is washed and simultaneously undergoes another sorting in the water. Finally, the parchment is dried for 20-25 days in solar tents and milled at the cooperative.


Cooperativa Agraria Frontera San Ignacio (COOPAFSI) was founded in 1968. Today it offers critical services to its 453 members. These include access to a wet mill in San Ignacio and a dry mill in Chiclayo; two quality control labs run by Q Graders; access to a plant nursery and organic fertilizer; and an experimental plot and education center.

Additionally, COOPAFSI offers a young entrepreneurs program, technical assistance, income diversification (through guinea pig farms and honey production) and microloan access. It also has a community coffee shop.


Check out these other offerings from COOPAFSI:

Peru El Oso Fairtrade Organic

Peru El Santuario Fairtrade Organic

San Ignacio, Cajamarca
Growing Altitude
1600-1750 masl
Arabica Variety
Catimor, Caturra, Mundo Novo,Pache
Harvest Period
July - August
Milling Process
Washed, dried in solar tents