Peru Finca Churupampa Organic

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Finca Churupampa, in the Chirrinos, San Ignacio region of Northern Peru, was started in 2011 as a family farm. It has since grown to 162 producing members, including families from the districts of Chirinos, Coipa and Tabaconas.

The farm is certified Organic and the group is focused on improving the quality of life of its producers, as well as the quality of its coffee. Many of the producers have raised beds for drying, and every batch received is cupped and separated by qualities.

Churupampa offers various benefits to its coffee families. It focuses on quality varietals, has started using organic fertilizers/micro-organisms, and also serves as a sustainable agro-business for self-consumption based on mutual commitment and trust, product quality and environmental care.

Support in quality assurance is provided through assistance with plant and grain management, sustainable agronomic practices and fertilizer application. Additionally, coffee is evaluated in a controlled laboratory. The group also provides producing families with information on business opportunities for various qualities of coffee, communicates market context, and offers marketing assistance and price differentials based on cup quality.

This video, provided by Churupampa, offers a closer look at the group.

Cupping notes: Plum, cola, tangerine, chocolate; creamy body.

Chirinos, province of San Ignacio, Cajamaca region, northern Peru
Growing Altitude
1,500 – 1,700 masl
Arabica Variety
Typica, Caturra, Pache
Milling Process
Washed, sun-dried
Well balanced, creamy