Honduras COPROCAEL Organic

Honduras COPROCAEL Organic comes to us from the Cooperativa de Productores de Café La Encarnacion Limitada in the Copan region of Honduras. Honduras' temperate and tropical climates create famously sweet and robust coffees. Further, the cool weather in Copan encourages a delicate acidity in the cherries that's evident in COPROCAEL  read more

Honduras COPROCAEL Organic2024-08-06T14:57:41+02:00

Honduras Las Capucas

Honduras Las Capucas comes to us from COCAFCAL (Cooperativa Capucas Limitada). Producers of this coffee live in western Honduras, in the Copán region along the Guatemalan border. Notably, the region lies in the buffer zone of the Celaque National Park. This nature reserve is home to lush cloud forest as well as the country’s highest mountain. COCAFCAL was founded in 1999. Presently it represents an estimated 12 coffee  read more

Honduras Las Capucas2014-04-07T19:35:20+02:00
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