Mexico Oaxaca SHG Organic, Fairtrade Organic

Oaxaca, Mexico, is known for its diverse and varied microclimates, which are largely influenced by its mountainous terrain, varying altitudes and proximity to the Pacific Ocean. The state of Oaxaca can be roughly divided into several distinct microclimates, each characterized by unique weather and precipitation patterns. These diverse microclimates make  read more

Mexico Oaxaca SHG Organic, Fairtrade Organic2024-08-30T19:53:30+02:00

Guatemala Guaya’b SMBC Fairtrade Organic

This certified Bird Friendly and Fairtrade Organic coffee comes from Asociación Civil Guaya'b, an association in the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala. Of its 330 members, 316 are of indigenous descent. Formally established in 1998, Guaya'b began selling to the Fairtrade market in 2000. "Since we began selling at the Fairtrade  read more

Guatemala Guaya’b SMBC Fairtrade Organic2024-08-30T18:30:32+02:00

Honduras Las Capucas

Honduras Las Capucas comes to us from COCAFCAL (Cooperativa Capucas Limitada). Producers of this coffee live in western Honduras, in the Copán region along the Guatemalan border. Notably, the region lies in the buffer zone of the Celaque National Park. This nature reserve is home to lush cloud forest as well as the country’s highest mountain. COCAFCAL was founded in 1999. Presently it represents an estimated 12 coffee  read more

Honduras Las Capucas2014-04-07T19:35:20+02:00
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