Colombia Huila El Bombo Organic

    Colombia Huila El Bombo Organic comes from the members of the Asobombo producer association — 95 producers from the villages of Laguna del Bombo, La Laguna, El Paraíso, Alto Planes, Laguna Verde and Laguna Chiquita, in Huila. They work as a small, close team to market their coffees, and everyone  read more

    Colombia Huila El Bombo Organic2024-06-26T16:06:24+02:00

      Colombia Decaf Ethyl Acetate

      Descafecol is the only decaffeination plant in the Andean region of Colombia. The plant relies entirely on the pure water from the Navado el Ruis (a snow-capped volcano on the border of the departments of Caldas and Tolima) and natural ethyl acetate from sugar cane plants in Palmira, Colombia. Ethyl  read more

      Colombia Decaf Ethyl Acetate2018-04-13T11:03:26+02:00

        Tanzania Iyula

        Coffee has been cultivated in Iyula villages since 1938, and in 1952 the Iyula Agricultural Marketing Cooperative and Society (AMCOS) was formed—though under a different legal form that was owned by the Coffee Authority of Tanzania (CAT). It 1981 it took on its current AMCOS status, and over the last  read more

        Tanzania Iyula2017-11-07T16:41:02+01:00

          Guatemala Santa Rosa Los Alamos SHB

          Our Santa Rosa Los Alamos is a blend of coffees from seven dedicated producers on the western edge of the department of Jalapa, in eastern Guatemala. Six are from the municipality of Mataquescuintla (where, legend has it, a donkey made of gold — yet to be unearthed — is buried  read more

          Guatemala Santa Rosa Los Alamos SHB2017-07-07T13:38:15+02:00

            Kenya Endebess Estate Natural

            Endebess Estate is located in the northern part of Kenya's Rift Valley, near market town of Kitale in Trans Nzoiya County. Endebess Estate has about 758 hectacres of total land area, 248 of which are coffee. This natural-processed coffee offered by Endebess Estate is fully washed with fresh river water  read more

            Kenya Endebess Estate Natural2024-10-31T17:03:54+01:00

              Colombia Popayan

              The city of Popayán is the capital of the state of Cauca, in the southern half of Colombia. The surrounding coffee region is on the plateau where the Andes mountain range reaches southern Colombia from Ecuador. From there, the Andes breaks into the three separate mountain ranges (or, cordilleras) that  read more

              Colombia Popayan2024-06-26T16:06:11+02:00

                Costa Rica Sonora Venecia Natural

                In Costa Rica's Central Valley, Hacienda Sonora sits at the foot of the celebrated (and active) Poás Volcano. On this 100-hectare farm, 65 hectares are dedicated to shade coffee, 10 hectares to sugarcane and 25 hectares are wild forest reserve. Alberto Guardia began growing coffee at Hacienda Sonora 45 years  read more

                Costa Rica Sonora Venecia Natural2016-05-20T13:57:55+02:00

                  Guatemala ADISQUE Organic HB

                  In June 1995, 250 women and 120 men in the department of Chiquimula, in Quetzaltepeque, Guatemala, founded the Associacion de Desarollo Integral Sostenible de Quezaltepeque (ADISQUE). Today, 356 families produce Organic-certified, shade-grown coffee over 520 hectares. On their family-owned farms, ADISQUE members work hard to fulfill their vision to generate social and  read more

                  Guatemala ADISQUE Organic HB2015-10-30T17:25:10+01:00

                    Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Konga Organic

                    The Konga cooperative is one in a network of cooperatives in the Yirgacheffe region belonging to the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU). Its 2,400 smallholder members distinguish themselves with their impeccable attention to detail in processing. Ethiopian heirloom varietals are chosen from the forest and transplanted to small gardens,  read more

                    Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Konga Organic2014-11-12T14:23:31+01:00

                      Mexico Mixteca Fairtrade Organic

                      Mixteca Alta del Pacifico is an organic coffee cooperative in the Mixteca region of Oaxaca, which is home to the Mixteca and Zapoteca indigenous peoples. The cooperative's headquarters is in the town of Santa Maria Yucuhiti, and membership consists of 172 producers. Most producers own between 1 and 3 hectares, which  read more

                      Mexico Mixteca Fairtrade Organic2014-08-29T12:15:57+02:00
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