Tanzania Igale Coffee Club Limited Edition

This coffee comes from the Igale AMCOS (the local term for a cooperative, abbreviated from Agricultural Marketing Cooperative Society) in the Mbozi district of Songwe. Specifically, 443 producers from the villages of Idiwili, Ilomba, Iyula, Idunda, Ipyana and Igale contributed cherry. This Tanzania Igale Coffee Club Limited Edition is a limited  read more

Tanzania Igale Coffee Club Limited Edition2020-01-15T12:35:47+01:00

Tanzania Igale

This coffee comes from the Igale AMCOS (the local term for a cooperative, abbreviated from Agricultural Marketing Cooperative Society) in the Mbozi district of Songwe. Specifically, 443 producers from the villages of Idiwili, Ilomba, Iyula, Idunda, Ipyana and Igale contributed cherry. Traditionally, the Igale AMCOS has collected home-processed parchment. But  read more

Tanzania Igale2020-01-15T12:35:47+01:00
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