Colombia Decaf Ethyl Acetate

Descafecol is the only decaffeination plant in the Andean region of Colombia. The plant relies entirely on the pure water from the Navado el Ruis (a snow-capped volcano on the border of the departments of Caldas and Tolima) and natural ethyl acetate from sugar cane plants in Palmira, Colombia. Ethyl  read more

Colombia Decaf Ethyl Acetate2018-04-13T11:03:26+02:00

Colombia Finca Palmichal

Finca Palmichal is high on the western side of the Central Andes mountain range, near the municipality of Genova, in the department of Quindío. This region went through violent and difficult times during the peak of the guerrilla expansion in the country. But now, after the negotiation between the government  read more

Colombia Finca Palmichal2024-06-26T16:06:18+02:00

Guatemala Santa Rosa Los Alamos SHB

Our Santa Rosa Los Alamos is a blend of coffees from seven dedicated producers on the western edge of the department of Jalapa, in eastern Guatemala. Six are from the municipality of Mataquescuintla (where, legend has it, a donkey made of gold — yet to be unearthed — is buried  read more

Guatemala Santa Rosa Los Alamos SHB2017-07-07T13:38:15+02:00

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Konga Organic

The Konga cooperative is one in a network of cooperatives in the Yirgacheffe region belonging to the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU). Its 2,400 smallholder members distinguish themselves with their impeccable attention to detail in processing. Ethiopian heirloom varietals are chosen from the forest and transplanted to small gardens,  read more

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Konga Organic2014-11-12T14:23:31+01:00

Guatemala Santa Isabel Organic

Finca Santa Isabel has been family owned and operated by four generations of the Keller family, dating to 1899. The Kellers’ commitment to producing excellent coffee goes hand in hand with their dedication to the environment. The Kellers’ entire coffee crop is shade grown, more than 1,500 short-haired sheep roam  read more

Guatemala Santa Isabel Organic2014-09-26T10:20:17+02:00

Honduras Las Capucas

Honduras Las Capucas comes to us from COCAFCAL (Cooperativa Capucas Limitada). Producers of this coffee live in western Honduras, in the Copán region along the Guatemalan border. Notably, the region lies in the buffer zone of the Celaque National Park. This nature reserve is home to lush cloud forest as well as the country’s highest mountain. COCAFCAL was founded in 1999. Presently it represents an estimated 12 coffee  read more

Honduras Las Capucas2014-04-07T19:35:20+02:00

Ethiopia Mokamba G4 Natural

The Mokamba is a blend of coffees from three regions. Primarily, it's coffee from Kambata — a region known for the production of ginger — blended with special preparations from Sidamo and also Wolyata. The cherries, Arabica heirlooms, are farmed at altitudes ranging from 1,500 to 1,800 masl. After harvesting,  read more

Ethiopia Mokamba G4 Natural2024-06-26T16:24:42+02:00
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