India Kaapi Royale Robusta

India Kaapi Royale Robusta is a fully washed AA (or screen 18) Robusta. This coffee is cultivated in the Coorg region, in the Western Ghats of Karnataka. The Coorg region produces more than 50 percent of India’s Robusta and is therefore recognized as an important hub for coffee production. As  read more

India Kaapi Royale Robusta2025-01-21T18:06:16+01:00

India Monsooned Malabar

While many people know India as a producer of fine teas, it has been growing and exporting exceptional coffees for more than 150 years. Today, India is the fifth-largest producer of Arabica coffee in the world, behind Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Ethiopia. Legend credits a Muslim pilgrim, Baba Budan, with bringing back  read more

India Monsooned Malabar2014-03-25T17:46:33+01:00
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