Colombia Tolima Organic

The ASOBRIS producer association (or, Asociacion de Productores Agricolas Ecologicos y Pecuarios Brisas del Quebradon) reaches 25 villages in the municipality of Planadas, at the foot of the snow-peaked Nevado del Huila, the highest volcano in Colombia. The association incorporated in 2013 and currently has 42 members. It’s an excited  read more

Colombia Tolima Organic2018-09-26T09:33:44+02:00

Colombia ASOPEP Fairtrade Organic

The Asociación de Productores Ecologicós de Planadas, or ASOPEP, is a group of 162 smallholder specialty producers in Planadas, South Tolima, Colombia. Each producer farms an average of 2.5 hectares, between 1,650 and 2,100 meters. The cooperative’s beans are certified Organic and Fair Trade, and some members have produced microlots  read more

Colombia ASOPEP Fairtrade Organic2024-06-26T16:06:29+02:00

Colombia Huila El Bombo Organic

Colombia Huila El Bombo Organic comes from the members of the Asobombo producer association — 95 producers from the villages of Laguna del Bombo, La Laguna, El Paraíso, Alto Planes, Laguna Verde and Laguna Chiquita, in Huila. They work as a small, close team to market their coffees, and everyone  read more

Colombia Huila El Bombo Organic2024-06-26T16:06:24+02:00

Colombia Decaf Ethyl Acetate

Descafecol is the only decaffeination plant in the Andean region of Colombia. The plant relies entirely on the pure water from the Navado el Ruis (a snow-capped volcano on the border of the departments of Caldas and Tolima) and natural ethyl acetate from sugar cane plants in Palmira, Colombia. Ethyl  read more

Colombia Decaf Ethyl Acetate2018-04-13T11:03:26+02:00

Colombia Finca Palmichal

Finca Palmichal is high on the western side of the Central Andes mountain range, near the municipality of Genova, in the department of Quindío. This region went through violent and difficult times during the peak of the guerrilla expansion in the country. But now, after the negotiation between the government  read more

Colombia Finca Palmichal2024-06-26T16:06:18+02:00

Colombia Popayan

The city of Popayán is the capital of the state of Cauca, in the southern half of Colombia. The surrounding coffee region is on the plateau where the Andes mountain range reaches southern Colombia from Ecuador. From there, the Andes breaks into the three separate mountain ranges (or, cordilleras) that  read more

Colombia Popayan2024-06-26T16:06:11+02:00

Colombia Valle de Cauca Supremo 17/18

This coffee type hails from Finca Potosi. The farm is located in Caicedonia, in the western half of Colombia. The region, Valle de Cauca, is also known as the Pacific Door of Colombia. Several years ago the region was shadowed by guerrilla wars; but presently, it's flourishing with high-quality coffee-producing  read more

Colombia Valle de Cauca Supremo 17/182014-07-29T11:04:15+02:00

Colombia Medellin

Colombia is the second-largest producer of coffee in the world and the largest producer of washed Arabica. The country is known for the high quality of its coffees, and it exports approximately 12.5 million bags annually—about half of which goes to the United States. Internal consumption is about 2 million bags  read more

Colombia Medellin2024-06-26T16:06:04+02:00

Colombia Huila Excelso EP

The team at SKN, our sister company in Colombia, cupped through hundreds of samples at the San Jose mill in Neiva to build this regional blend that's bright, creamy and sweet. Around Huila, several purchasing agencies meticulously control each purchase to guarantee traceability and quality. Small farms here are mostly  read more

Colombia Huila Excelso EP2014-07-03T11:05:46+02:00

Colombia Excelso EP

Colombia is the second-largest producer of coffee in the world and the largest producer of washed and Arabica coffees. It's well known for the high quality of its coffee, and about half of its exports come to the United States. Annually, Colombia exports approximately 12.5 million bags and consumes 2  read more

Colombia Excelso EP2024-06-26T16:06:00+02:00
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