Guatemala Antigua Alom

Guatemala Antigua Alom is produced in one of the country’s most notable coffee growing regions. High elevations, sunny days and cool nights with low humidity produce clean and bright acidity. The area is punctuated by volcanoes, providing mineral-rich soil. Additionally, the soil in rich in pumice which retains moisture, counteracting  read more

Guatemala Antigua Alom2024-06-27T10:56:47+02:00

Guatemala Huehuetenango Pioneers

Guatemala Huehuetenango Pioneers is a coffee born out of partnerships. The coffee is produced by approximately 450 members of Comal and Asdeflor Cooperatives in La Democracia Comal. Recognizing excellence in quality and in the communities that produce it, exporter UNEX chose this coffee for a collaboration between their Farmer Aid  read more

Guatemala Huehuetenango Pioneers2024-06-27T11:00:04+02:00

Guatemala El Santo

Guatemala El Santo comes from smallholder producers in the El Cerrito and Los Verdes regions of Fraijanes. The region takes its name from the “Juanes Friars” who brought coffee to the area over 200 years ago. Traditional varietals of Bourbon, Typica, Catuai and the Guatemalan native Pache Comun are still  read more

Guatemala El Santo2021-08-10T12:03:09+02:00

Guatemala ASPROGUATE Fairtrade Organic

In 2014, an organized group of 100 Organic producers in Coban, Acatenango & Chimaltenango aligned to create ASPROGUATE (Asociación sostentible de productores de Guatemala). Nearby producers later joined the association, and in 2016 they opened central offices in San Martin, Jilotepeque. With a mission to manage social development among small  read more

Guatemala ASPROGUATE Fairtrade Organic2021-06-15T17:23:23+02:00

Guatemala Santa Rosa Los Alamos SHB

Our Santa Rosa Los Alamos is a blend of coffees from seven dedicated producers on the western edge of the department of Jalapa, in eastern Guatemala. Six are from the municipality of Mataquescuintla (where, legend has it, a donkey made of gold — yet to be unearthed — is buried  read more

Guatemala Santa Rosa Los Alamos SHB2017-07-07T13:38:15+02:00

Guatemala Huehuetenango ASDECAFE Organic

La Asociacion Sostenible de Café de Guatemala (ASDECAFE) is a sustainable, second-level coffee association in Guatemala with more than 1,000 active producer members. It was founded in September 2013 by six small, first-level producer organizations and today includes seven co-ops in the regions of Huehuetenango and El Quiche. ASDECAFE received  read more

Guatemala Huehuetenango ASDECAFE Organic2016-10-07T10:45:26+02:00

Guatemala ADISQUE Organic HB

In June 1995, 250 women and 120 men in the department of Chiquimula, in Quetzaltepeque, Guatemala, founded the Associacion de Desarollo Integral Sostenible de Quezaltepeque (ADISQUE). Today, 356 families produce Organic-certified, shade-grown coffee over 520 hectares. On their family-owned farms, ADISQUE members work hard to fulfill their vision to generate social and  read more

Guatemala ADISQUE Organic HB2015-10-30T17:25:10+01:00

Guatemala FECCEG Fairtrade Organic

La Federación Comercializadora de Café Especial de Guatemala (FECCEG), is a second-level cooperative comprised of 12 small producer cooperatives in the Western Highlands of Guatemala. This region includes parts of Chimaltenango, Huehuetenango, Quiché, Sololá, San Marcos and Quetzaltenango. In total, FECCEG represents 1,943 small farmers, of whom 529 are women.  read more

Guatemala FECCEG Fairtrade Organic2024-06-27T10:44:02+02:00

Guatemala Santa Isabel Organic

Finca Santa Isabel has been family owned and operated by four generations of the Keller family, dating to 1899. The Kellers’ commitment to producing excellent coffee goes hand in hand with their dedication to the environment. The Kellers’ entire coffee crop is shade grown, more than 1,500 short-haired sheep roam  read more

Guatemala Santa Isabel Organic2014-09-26T10:20:17+02:00

Guatemala Maya Ixil de Avelina Fairtrade Organic

The Maya Ixil cooperative — in the mountains of the tropical Ixcan region, in the department of El Quiché and the tiny town of Santa Avelina — is helping farmers to improve their communities and livelihoods. Maya Ixil evolved in response to sinking coffee prices and a need to increase  read more

Guatemala Maya Ixil de Avelina Fairtrade Organic2024-08-30T18:49:17+02:00
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